Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Moving Forward

Welcome to my first official blog post! When I leave for Uganda, I will try to keep this blog as up-to-date as possible. I may not have much, if any, Internet service once I'm there. I've read journals from Returning Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) that Internet service in Uganda is severely limited. The exception is if I live and work for a NGO in Uganda's capital city of Kampala.

I unexpectedly received my official invitation from the Peace Corps last Friday. I say unexpectedly because I wasn't anticipating the invitation to be mailed to my home address in Virginia, but rather to my school address in Massachusetts. While my initial state of euphoria has worn off since last Friday, I couldn't be more stoked to serve as a NGO Development volunteer in Uganda! I don't receive my work placement until the end of the three-month training (October 20), but I think my work will entail mitigating the spread of HIV/Aids through public education and awareness, promoting proper sanitation and clean water usage, improving the health and livelihoods of the Ugandan people, and promoting income-generating, sustainable, and community development activities. Also, I've read about volunteers who have conducted secondary projects such as running soccer camps for children, introducing Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to youth, and planting gardens throughout their respective communities. I couldn't be more excited for August 9 to arrive!

Yet with my excitement comes anxiety and a number of challenges. I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm moving from a country that I've lived in all my life to a country to which I'm completely unfamiliar. Learning and adapting to the Ugandan culture, language, and livelihood will undoubtedly challenge me mentally, physically, and socially. No contact with family or friends will also be challenging. And I better learn to cook for myself Ugandan-style; I foresee no opportunity for take-out or microwavable food.

I guess, then, that the saying stands true: "Serving as a Peace Corps volunteer is the toughest job you'll ever love."


  1. Hi Bryan, How nice to meet you! Tom & I are in your group too. Tom is doing agriculture and I am in health, probably HIV or maternal/child. We will look for you in August!

  2. I'm a CHED - NGO Development. Looking forward to meeting you as well.
