Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A List of Numbers

After reflecting upon my first four weeks in Uganda, I realized that I have been thinking more and more in terms of numbers. Here is a running list of my numeric experiences to date.

Number of bananas I eat per day: 3

Number of times I hear "See you, mzungu" per week: At least 40

Number of times I say "Webale" (thank you) in Lugandan: At least 30

Number of hours I sleep per night: 6

Number of days I have slept past 8:00AM: 2

Number of mornings I have awoken to the sounds of a rooster: Every morning since I have been in Uganda

Number of pounds (estimated) I have lost so far: 5

Number of miles I walk per day (to/from the training site): 4

Number of days it took me to use up all of the data on my internet modem: 1

Number of Manchester United soccer games I have watched: 2

Number of local Ugandan beers I have tasted: 3

Number of dinners I have eaten at least one starch food: Every dinner since I have been in Uganda

Number of days I play soccer per week: 3

Number of new languages in which I can understand a basic conversation: 2 (Lugandan, Ateso)

Number of times I have been to church with my host family: 1

Number of days I am grateful to be living in Uganda: Every day since I have been here

Number of seconds I have regretted joining the Peace Corps: 0

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